07779 459 591 rogers591@btinternet.com

Allt Gymbyd Caravan Park

Set in the heart of the Clwydian Range Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

14 + 5 =

Allt Gymbyd Caravan Park

Llanarmon yn Ial


Service: 7/7
Office: 9:00am – 20:00pm

Where we are 

Set in the stunning Clwydian Range Are of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Whatever the time of year you are guaranteed a warm welcome from the owners, the park staff and the other patrons of the park.

Allt Gymbyd Caravan Park

Residential mobile homes, touring caravans, camping individual or corporate ….

Located in the Clwydian Range Area of Outanding Natural Beauty

Available 10 months of the year

Our Season opens for Static Caravan clients on March 1st and closes 15th January following year.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Dylan and staff want you to have a memorable stay at Allt Gymbyd Caravan Park.

Touring caravans and Camping

For all touring caravans and camping the site opens March 1st and closes 31st October.

Residential mobile homes, touring caravans, camping individual or corporate ….

Located in the Clwydian Range Area of Outanding Natural Beauty

Allt Gymbyd Caravan Park

Llanarmon yn Ial, Mold, CH7 4QU

Call Us

01824 780 958 or 07779 459 591

